The AI Act is European law on artificial intelligence (AI), which proposes risk categories for AI.
First, there are applications and systems that are deemed to create an unacceptable risk, such as government-run social scoring. These are subject to an outright ban.
Second, there are high-risk applications such as CV-scanning tools to rank job applicants. These will be subject to specific legal requirements (to be determined). Applications not explicitly banned or listed as high-risk are left unregulated.
The UK is not following the EU’s approach in terms of adopting new legislation or creating a new regulator for AI. Rather it is requiring existing regulators, including the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), to take responsibility for the establishment, promotion and oversight of responsible AI in their respective sectors. Regulators’ activities will be reinforced by the establishment of new support and oversight functions within central government.
Due to the unreliable nature of AI and to protect our clients we have taken the decision not to use AI tools, either as a stand alone application, for use in research and advice, or as part of third-party software.

Cookies, Privacy and the Law
"The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall."

We value privacy so we do not use cookies to track your usage of our site in any way. This website does not serve targeted advertising which relies on cookies to determine which adverts to display.
Privacy Policies
Under the GDPR rules introduced in May 2018 all businesses in the UK are obliged to take care of client data in a very specific way. This doesn’t protect you at all from the baddies but it gives jobs to lots of people across the EU and is therefore deemed to be a good thing.
Our Website
First, we are committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of our website visitors and we do this by adopting a 'no cookies' policy. We do not gather statistics on your use of our website.
We do not operate a mailing list. Any email you send to us is used only for the purposes requested by you - and nothing more. We will not send any type of spam email. We will never share your email address with third parties. We do sometimes issue a general alert for major changes in the UK tax system - just tell us if you want to opt out of those notifications.
Data Storage
We will never share your data with third parties except HMRC or other UK government departments where you have specifically authorised us to do so. We only use your data where you have asked us to undertake work for you and have therefore expressed permission for such use. We will not share client data with third parties.
Where we undertake work for you we will store your data on our own servers. Data is backed up to local hard drives, not the cloud, and cannot be accessed directly by third parties. Where commercial software is used we only use software suppliers who have confirmed that data is held on their servers in a manner which is fully compliant with the GDPR regulations.
Professional Standards
Limitation of liability : This website is for guidance only, and professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. The publishers do not accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this publication.
We try to ensure the accuracy of all of the content. However, we do not accept any liability for the use made by you of the content. The content of this site should only be used for information purposes. It is not advice and you should not rely on it to make (or refrain from making) any decision or take (or refrain from taking) any action.
HM Revenue & Customs has published standards of conduct for both HMRC and tax agents to adhere to. We fully endorse this code of conduct. HMRC expect that all agents should -
• maintain high standards that promote tax compliance
• be straightforward and honest
• maintain the security of client information they hold
• act lawfully and with integrity at all times and expect the same from their clients
• maintain correct and up-to-date knowledge of the areas of tax that they deal with
• work to prevent errors in their clients’ tax calculations or claims
• avoid including figures in returns or claims which are unsubstantiated or speculative
• keep contemporary records of what they advise their clients and when they advise it
• advise their clients to take steps to set matters right when inaccuracies in their tax affairs are found
• comply fully with tax law and regulations relating to their professional activity
• never ask any client to share their Government Gateway user ID and password
• only access client data by getting authorisation and viewing it through their online agent services account
The full details are at
Use of AI
Cambridge Tax Practice is registered as an Accountancy Service Provider (ASP) with HM Revenue & Customs under the Money Laudering Regulations.
We follow the guidelines set out by the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB) for compliance in the accounting sector, as detailed at
Money Laundering Regulations
Companies House - Legal Requirements
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act is changing the requirements of all agents who file at Companies House on behalf of clients.
Starting in February 2025, anyone setting up, running, owning or controlling a company in the UK will need to verify their identity and this is extended to all filing agents.
In the future, all third-party providers will need to register their business as an Authorised Corporate Service Provider (ACSP) before they can submit information and carry out identity verification checks on their clients. The registration process will be compete by Spring 2026.
Companies House say,"Our new powers will make the information we hold more accurate and transparent. It will also allow us to work more effectively with regulators and supervisory bodies through data and intelligence sharing."